A beautiful Sunday morning, which Bruce and I thought this was a perfect time to drop off our some work to Cedar Creek Gallery. We have both been invited to select a few pieces of our ceramics to be included in the upcoming show, Art of the State. Visiting Cedar Creek is always an enjoyable experience for us. My favorite part is getting to look at the beautiful gardens, with the sculpture carefully placed to welcome visitors, and then to buy a few plants from their wonderful selection. Next is looking around inside the gallery (tomorrow's blog) at all of the great art and craft they have to see, touch, and purchase. Bruce has had a long time, and special relationship with Cedar Creek. Syd Oakley was a strong mentor and supporter of Bruce early on in the beginning of his professional career as a studio potter, and also invited him to have a solo show in 2001. The solo show was wonderful timing for us, because it provided a focus right after moving onto our new property, and setting up Bulldog Pottery here in Seagrove.
Brad Tucker has his studio right next door to Cedar Creek Gallery, and as I selected plants for Gloria and I, Bruce and Brad caught up on the latest pottery politics and gossip.

Cabins were moved from various places and rebuilt in the front yard of Cedar Creek Gallery

The gardens around Cedar Creek are the creation and ongoing tweaking of John Martin. John and Jeff Bottoms offer their plants for sale. There is a wonderful selection to choose from.

Cedar Creek is a wonderful place! After attending the Celebration of Seagrove Potters Festival last year I drove over to Cedar Creek. I walked down to Brad's studio and spent some time chatting with him. Nice guy! It's a beautiful place and the grounds are super. The gallery was great. I loved it...except I spent too much money!
Nice images of a beautiful place. Mary and I tried to find Cedar Creek when we first started dating and got lost. We gave up.
wow... what a beautiful place, maybe a new destination for me
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