There were potters around catching up on the latest happenings, enjoying the warm evening, and someone mentioned the possibility of some rain too. All were pleased to hear this.
Below is Mark Heywood of Whynot Pottery talking with Brad Tucker of Brad Tucker Pottery. Brad and Tim Turner came through from Creedmoor - Cedar Creek Gallery to pick up some Okeewemee and Highwater clays.

Jeff Dean From Dean&Martin Pottery talking with Tim Ayers who will be around for the next 6 weeks here working over at Johnston and Gentithes Art Pottery while they are in China. Benjamin Burns of Great White Oak Pottery is nearby snacking on a sandwhich that was provided by the crew there at STARworks.

Gloria of Bulldog Pottery is very very happy to be purchasing some of her first and very own Mudtool ribs of Micheal Sherrill's design. She will have to keep close tabs on these because they could easily migrate to our wheels if she is not careful.
Bruce is talking with Tim Ayers of Tim Ayers pottery and Chad Brown of Chad Brown Pottery. I believe they were talking about getting together to go fishing.

Samantha, David Stumeplfle of Stuempfle pottery , and Tim Turner of Tim Turner pottery (he works over at Cedar Creek Gallery in Creedmoor. Cedar Creek Gallery is having their annual Pottery and Glass Festival on the weekend of Oct.1 and weekend of Oct. 9. On Oct. 1 Cedar Creek Gallery will be opening an exhibition of around 40 Carolina Designer Craftsmen.

Nice to meet you, Samantha and Bruce, in person last night, and hope to stop by your pottery while we are here.
tell your mom we write our names on our mudtools - it is the only way to "claim" them back!
I picked up an order of clay from StarWorks Friday afternoon and traded a few bags of NC White for the Okeewemee. I'm excited. Takura said that the Okeewemee has a higher silica content than the NC White, so it should be really fun in a salt kiln!
Thank you for coming to STARworks Ceramics last Friday and also wrote about our clay! Hope yo uwill enjoy using them.
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