This exhibition of 40 bloggers will be up for a month at Moore County Arts Council's Campbell House in Southern Pines. There will be pots from as far as New Zealand and the United Kingdom as well as pottery from all over the United States. Take the time to go visit the potter's blogs and read what they are up to around their studio. There is a complete list of the participating potters on the Moore County Arts website with a link to their blog. Excitingly, there is an online component to this show as well where you can view a piece from each pottery blogger showing in the exhibition.
Read more about this very cool exhibition on Carolina Arts Unleashed.
What great pieces you have in the show and such a spectacular opening, enjoyed it all, so nice to see you both again.
Hi guys: It was so great to finally meet the two of you!! Wasn't it a fun night?! Loved seeing your work in person at the show, just beautiful!
Wish I could be there to touch those pieces and feel the texture under my fingertips. Hopefully, one of these days I will be able to come visit your area while in the States.
Hi Linda, It was fun to see you both again last night! What fun. It was great to meet you Tracey last night. Your clay houses are cool.
Hi Robert thanks a bunch come visit!!
I am sounding redundant ... telling all of the blogger I would have met that I am so sad my plane got all screwed up... but... that's how I feel!
So... maybe we will all meet another time!!!
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