Saturday, February 7, 2009

Stone Tools in the Bulldog Studio

These are flakes and broken projectile points found in the area.  Over time they have become some of Bruce's favorite combing and carving tools for clay.

Bruce really likes the irregular line quality created by the serrated edges, different sharp angles, and undulating curves they provide.  Below, Bruce is carving an agate tea bowl with a small stone tool.   There is something very satisfying about working with these relics as clay tools.  It is funny how as potters, we so frequently look at objects around us for their potential use in the context of manipulating clay.   Our studio is filled to overflowing with objects we are still evaluating for that potential, also known as clutter. 

Below is the finished carved agate tea bowl.


cookingwithgas said...

yep- I know what you mean! Love the great texture Bruce has on the teabolw from his "found" tool!

Bulldog Pottery said...

Thanks! Bruce is always digging in the dirt looking for new inspirations

Michael Mahan said...

That's really incredible. I wonder who was the last person before you to use that tool.
