Outer space, inner space, space suit, space shuttle,space ship, space invaders, my-space, space man, space walk, space time, space station, empty space, green space, parking space, spacial distortion, space balls, blank space, common space, positive and negative space..........
Our new space
wow space!
Fill space!
Lovely bright, white SPACE but a little too clean -hopefully you've muddied it up a bit!!
Hi Meredith, Yes we are filling this space everyday. But slowly. I want to enjoy space under tables for a little while longer.
Cindy it is a bit clean, I waited and waited with anticipation for the moment to take these pictures. The one time that it will ever be this clean. Pictures were taken the day after the painters left.
looks like a great and productive space. great shot of the pup in mid air
Hi Jim, We are looking forward to making pots in our space, we rented a building 5 miles from where we live in Star for the past 6 years and now will be able to have our workspace under one roof.
Whoo Hoooo! Yippe Yi Yeh!
Maxwell is happy too.
I think Max is definitely jumping more than his height here! And the old cast iron tub is a nice contrast!
It's such a nice space. I feel like my studio could be a closet within yours!
Great pictures, cuz! (or is it couz?)
It was great seeing you last week Micheal, Looking forward to the next visit!
Wow, what a great space, has me dreaming.
Nice space. I'm envious.
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