Now we are in our crunch time of washing our pots, waxing, glazing, loading, firing.... We are looking forward to having some new pieces in our shop here in Seagrove. Here is a picture of Bruce lightly sanding down the edges of the horse design I drew on his rimmed bowl. This is a wash away/carving technique that we have started working with as a way to decorate our pieces. I started playing around with this process on the Yunomis I made for AKAR's Yunomi exhibition last year, as well as, this year's Yunomi exhibition. We are looking forward to designing some more pieces using this process. The above rimmed bowl was thrown by Bruce especially for me to try this out on. I drew horses on one of the bowls and crabs on the other.
We are preparing for the Catawba Valley Pottery Festival that is coming up next week on March 27. Bruce and Ed will be going to Hickory together to set up our display and sell pots. I am going to be setting up our work at the Moore County Arts' Campbell House during the Palustris Festival in Southern Pines, while they are in Hickory. I will be there along with Bobbie from Thomas Pottery, and Charlotte from Humble Mill Pottery. We all will be taking turns giving demos.
Gloria will be watching the Bulldog Pottery shop.
Below I am waxing the lid on one of my covered jars. It can be tedious at times but once we get into a good flow and rhythm I can get a nice clean line.
Detail of horse platter.

So much effort put in to your beautiful pots! Looks a bit like Springtime in Santa's workshop!
You all put so much into your pieces and you can tell. Hope you all have a great Hickory show and also the thing ya'll are doing in Pinehurst sounds very interesting hope that's a big success also.
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