Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Horse Yunomi Glaze Detail

The past couple of days I have been thinking about the above image while working in the studio. I love the subtlety of the melon green that is around the horse's legs. The colors have a relaxing quality on me. This color combination also reminds me of orange dreamsicles. There is something about the textures and colors of this glaze that stimulates my mind's eye. The horse image also plays into an overall feeling of tranquility despite the active poise.
The image below is one of our favorite recent color combinations. The glaze has a subtle interaction in the way that the blue crystal has changed color over the horses nose, one aspect of the ways that glazes are so fascinating and thrilling to work with. I commented on our Bulldog Pottery facebook page a few days ago that this glaze combo is like blowing bubbles under water. The fancifully floating motion of the horse, makes for a liquid dream like quality .


Helena Erthal said...

Congratulations! This image is very beautiful and poetic...


andrew said...

interesting images, we had some <a href="http://personalcanvasprints.co.uk/page/4>canvas prints</a> done not so long ago of our work. nice