Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stormy Saturday and Seagrove Kiln Openings

Caterpillar and Kangaroo

During NC storms yesterday there were pottery lovers that braved the weather and came out for the Celebration of Spring Seagrove Pottery kiln openings. Tom Starland from Carolina Arts drove up from South Carolina. Meredith's (Whynot Pottery) cookies had his name all over them. He is an avid fan of us Seagrovians and we enjoy his visits when he is able to swing by. Please check out his blog at Carolina Arts Unleashed and his online Carolina Arts newspaper.
My (Samantha) "Caterpillar and Kangaroo" glaze painting went home with a happy collector yesterday. It is a definite thrill when a one-of-a-kind ceramic piece like this finds a home.
On Friday, before Seagrove Potter's big weekend, the National Weather reported that there were going to be bands of terrible storms coming through central NC. These storms were predicted to have 60 mph winds and spawn tornadoes. As you know this is one forecast nobody wants to hear on any day, and when a large area event is planned all we can do is throw up our hands. The storms did keep many people away, but there were plenty of visitors to keep Bruce up at the shop all day long. We looked up at the sky, waiting for the possible damaging winds and wondered if we were going to see the black and grey clouds. We have had tornadoes go through our area so we took the alert seriously and moved all the outdoor furniture in, and put bungees on our pink flower, kinetic outdoor sculpture. By the end of the day we did not see any of the horrible weather here - thank goodness. Though, when we settled in for the evening and surfed the net we found out that the storms were quite cruel east of us. A tornado touched down in Sanford, as well as, downtown Raleigh. Ed said he read that there were 105 tornadoes, reported sightings around NC and VA.
As quick as the weather can turn ugly the weather can turn beautiful. Today the Seagrove Potteries are open again, and let me tell you it is beautiful outside. We have already had our first visitor before ten this morning. They spent the day yesterday here in Seagrove and thought they would hit one more pottery on their way out of the area. Another visitor just came and Bruce is back up the hill. Actually, he has not had a chance to focus on anything but talking with visitors about pottery all day today. We are very happy to be able to have a direct connection with people that love pottery and want it to be a part of their daily lives, just like it is ours.
Well there is another pottery lover coming down our driveway. Better go. Peace be with you all.

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