Happy New Year! Our pottery wheels have yet to turn, but we have been actively working in other areas of our lives. Enjoying a little of our hobbies, catching up on our domestic life, organizing, and cooking. A few detailed activities: cutting scrub trees down around our pond and yellow cottage, planting the rest of the daffodil bulbs, beginning to move our office and computer to a new room, cleaning up areas of our studio that are truly out of control (as opposed to just chronically messy), packing and shipping our pottery to new homes, and enjoying the quite time of winter. We have been on a working vacation.
What is new..
- Our computer screen is new. Conveniently after all of the Holiday sales, I finally made up my mind. It is a 4 month old birthday present, have you researched computer screens? We have been working on a screen we bought refurbished around 10 years ago. Trying to decipher which criticisms are important to read, and what does one want in a computer screen takes a little while to take in. The prices range all over. What size? I chose the 24" Dell Ultra-sharp 2410. It will take a little while to get used to, it is so much brighter, more crisp, and the screen is flat.
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Gloria hung red bows around the property |
- We have new Wii games! We like the Wii. After a couple of weeks of research, I decided on Punch Out, Just Dance #3, Deadly Creatures, Endless Blue Ocean, A Boy and His Blob, Zelda, Go Vacation. We also received a Xmas present from my brother and his family - Mario Cart. I have tried all of them but Zelda. Here is a quick review from a true novice:
"Mario Cart" is lots of fun, though I don't recommend playing right after you eat.
"Just Dance" is a real workout and after I danced two dances my heart was pumping vigorously (I need to get more exercise).
In "Deadly Creatures" you are a tarantula scurrying around looking for grubs and crickets to eat. The first battle is with a Rattlesnake, which took me quite a few lives before triumphantly, I figured out how to escape. I felt like I accomplished something. But then I was faced with battling a wolf spider and these hard-core beetles all at the same time - I have yet to make it out this alive.
"Punch Out" I think will be fun once I figure all of the buttons. You can use the balance board with it, but I have not tried this yet.
"Endless Ocean" is relaxing because you swim around looking at fish. I haven't played it yet , but I had fun watching Ed play.
"A Boy and His Blob" is like a puzzle game. It took me many times just to get past the first screen trying to jump over one of the evil black blobs, but once I figured it out I was off on the adventure throwing jelly beans, collecting treasures, and hugging my sweet helper blob.
I have yet to try "Zelda" and I have watched Ed play "Go Vacation" which looks fun, riding around the island looking for different activites to play.
"Mario Cart" has been in our Wii console more then any of the other games.
- We have acquired some new books. A variety of drawing books, watercolor techniques, mythology, a Chagall biography, and a couple pattern design books.
- A new label maker made its way under the Christmas tree. Everything I read about getting your office organize suggests to use a label maker instead of your hand-writing. This is supposed to give an impression of organized and clean looking files, instead of something thrown together. We like using our new label maker. I am glad that we finally broke down and got it. Oh, and we also have a new paper cutter. Way cool.
- Our new cat Koi, a very wonderful addition to our life is a sweet female calico cat. She showed up in November, and we decided to feed her and take her in. She has been to the vet, and she is in good health. The Vet said that she is around 1 years old. Yesterday we worked outside cleaning up and she actually chased after Maxwell's red ball. It was pretty funny watching Max watch her. He seemed pretty incredulous that it should happen.
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Koi Kitty |
Zelda is the BEST game EVER!! Our daughter used to play it on her Nintendo and I got addicted. I have to say though, the xbox we got for Christmas is pretty cool, also addictive! I never knew how much I liked to shoot weapons :) terrible thing to admit
I know I have enjoyed playing the games. They are a nice time out. I will put Zelda in and get back with you!
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