I went out on the beach this morning to observe the sand crabs. If you go out early enough in the morning you can see them walking all around their holes. As soon as someone walks by they will zip back into their holes and wait for a handful of seconds.....and then back out again scurring around their holes.
The Other Side of Life

The best meal during the week at the beach, is the crab feast. This is something we look forward to all year long. Yummm.
fresh crabs...yum!! i'm trying not to hate you too much! sounds like a relaxing week. we finally got our blog started...check it out: www.averypotteryandtileworks.blogspot.com
i'm already totally addicted!!
see you soon!
Please don't hate me too much. I will go check out your blog soon! yeah!! See you soon when I get home to the "Grove"
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