Sid Luck and Matthew Luck between stokes of their groundhog kiln
Sid Luck and his son Matthew operate Luck's Ware. They are our neighbors around the bend from us, on Adams Road. They are busily getting ready for their upcoming annual event this Saturday, August 23, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. He will unload the wood kiln he fired off last night this Saturday morning at 11:00 AM. Sid will be joined by 20 other potters from North Carolina. There will also be bluegrass music and barbecue. We found someone reminiscing about Luck's Legacy on a blog, written by a fellow who now lives in California. He says, "If you are anywhere in the area get your tail over there! "
Good Luck Sid! Have a great day!
Thanks for the info and insight into your world at Seagrove.
Thanks for checking out our new blog! We look forward to following yours too! Blogging has expanded our awareness of the ceramic community at large! Very exciting.
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